The temp agency had no more work and Richard was
still in debt. He was in his fifth year and passing
the bachelor exam, would get him a new scholarship.
So try the Public Administration exam again and omit
the criticism ... that did the trick ... The arrangements
for the bachelor exam were recently adjusted. You now
also could choose a biographical approach, as long as
you read at least 1500 pages. Richard chose: Lenin ...
and read the official history of the CPSU ... an American
Lenin biography ... Rossana Rossanda on the role of
the working class ... Lenin's What is to be done? ...
Charles Bettelheim ... those kind of things. Then you
had to make a reading report ... a page or five ...
and propositions for discussion ... with Prof. Tudyka
in Richards case. That went well ... Richard knew he
had to avoid sensitive issues like Kronstadt and so ...
(Tudyka was a Trotskyist and Trotsky organized the
suppression of the rebellion). He even had an answer
to the question: what more could you be reading on
the subject? ... Gramsci maybe ... OK ... you passed.
Rossana Rossanda......Charles Bettelheim...Antonio Gramsci